Youth Empowerment

i. The Advantage:
A leadership summit for youth to develop their potential and sharpen leadership skills.

ii. Elevate Bootcamp:
Providing practical entrepreneurship skills and mentorship from youth entrepreneurs and industry leaders.

iii. Activism in commemoration of World youth Skills day:
Annual programs celebrating and equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship, in collaboration with ILO, Nigerian Government, and UNDP.

iv. Activism in commemoration of International Youth Day:
Activism in commemoration of International Youth Day, promoting youth participation in decision processes

More Projects

Beta Life Project (Malaria Outreach)
In our commitment to public health, we executed the Malaria...
Career Mentorship (The Dream Project)
Our Career Mentorship Series aimed to guide young adults in...
Humanitarian Outreach
Under this project, relief materials, including toiletries, food, and sanitary...